Topics covered
Overview of the GIOD Project
Using Object Databases (Objectivity and Versant)
- Objectivity scaling tests on various platforms
- Comparison with Versant
- Technical meeting with Versant
The Caltech/CACR HP Exemplar SPP2000
Loading the SPP2000 with Objy clients
HP/UX v11, SPP/UX, aCC etc.
How big is a Petabyte? and EOS
HPSS at Caltech
- Tests with the NFS interface
- Test of file copy
- The non-DCE client and other items
- Project Cyclops
Software Licenses at Caltech
CMS H2 test beam OO software and data
Objectivity database replication from CERN to Caltech
CMS Monte Carlo simulation (CMSIM) on the Exemplar