GIOD - Database of real LHC events
Caltech/HEP submitted a proposal to NPACI to generate ~1,000,000 fully-simulated multi-jet QCD events
- Using CMSIM on the Exemplar
- Directly study Higgs ? ?? backgrounds for first time
- Computing power of Exemplar makes this possible in < 1 year
- Accepted in March 98.
Event production on the Exemplar since May 98.
- ~1.0 TBytes of FZ files (~1,000,000 events) in HPSS
- Physics now being analysed at Caltech by Shevchenko/Wilkinson
Events also used as copious source of raw LHC event data for GIOD
- Files are read using the ooZebra utility developed in CMS
- Raw data objects (Tracker, Muon hit maps, ECAL, HCAL energy maps) created for each event and stored in federated database
- Tracks and energy clusters reconstructed: new objects stored in the database
- Pattern matching creates physics objects like Jets, Photons, Electrons, Missing ET which are stored in the database as analysis objects