Florida Participation in GAE, from Haifeng Pi, 10/10/2002:
Dear Julian: Really appreciate for giving a thorough introduction of GEA and suggestions on how Florida can contribute. I am willing to work on DEA, which I believe represent a promising aspect for CMS computing. After the coming Monday's group meeting with Avery, Rick and other colleagues, I will get more feedback to you a.s.a.p. (today and tomorrow Avery is out of town) Setting up a PostgreSQL/Clarens system is a natural start for Flroida to actively join in GEA. A distributed query and data management tool based on Clarens is very important (and challenging). About this plan, provided you can't find other candidate, it would better start after I have necessary experience on existed tools implemented by Eric, Edwin and Saima. I think it won't take too long time to get familiar with those tools and the whole database/application/clarens system. About developing a Java version of Clarnes, it can be a long term task. And Java Clarens may focus more on being integrated with other famous GRID scheduling and monitoring tools with providing the samilar functionality as Python clarens. BTW current Clarens is working pretty well, and there is no urgent reason to push on a java version quickly. But in a long term, I think a java Clarens will be very useful. A java clarens can easily handle direct SQL database accessing and file transfering at the same time. And it will also give much convenience to handle distributed query. So if you don't have a urgent need for a working distributed query, the two tasks as you sugested can be put togetther, I will mainly make java clarens first then distributed query based on java clarens. But if you want to have a prototype query system first, I may need more help and discussion on how to proceed based on current system. Best Regard, Haifeng